sale of vehicle journal entry

They do not have any intention to sell the fixed assets for profit. However, at some point, the company needs to dispose of the fixed assets to purchase a new one. It leads to the sale of used fixed assets that company can generate some proceed. Fixed assets are long-term physical assets that a company uses in the course of its operations. These include things like land, buildings, equipment, and vehicles.

When an asset is sold or scrapped, a journal entry is made to remove the asset and its related accumulated depreciation from the book. Companies usually record the purchase cost of their fixed assets as an asset on their balance sheet. They record the depreciation expense in order to account for the fact that the assets are gradually becoming worth less and less. This depreciation expense is treated as a cost of doing business and is deducted from revenue in order to arrive at net income.


The company purchases fixed assets and record them on the balance sheet. The depreciation expense will record on income statement and it also decrease the fixed assets on balance sheet. When selling fixed assets, company has to remove both cost and accumulated depreciation from the balance sheet.

sale of vehicle journal entry

Credit The old vehicle (17,000-11,000), and the cash (25,000) leave the business and are used to pay for the new motor vehicle. If the fully depreciated car continues to be used, there will be no further depreciation. Chartered accountant Michael Brown is the founder and CEO of Double Entry Bookkeeping.

Alternatively, the company makes a loss when it sells the fixed asset at the amount that is lower than its net book value. This type of loss is usually recorded as other expenses in the income statement. The company traded in an old car that cost $ 70,000 and accumulated depreciation of $ 40,000. The cloud vs desktop accounting new car cost $ 100,000, however, the supplier will provide a discount of $ 20,000 if the company trade in the old car. The disposal of the old vehicles will result in gain or loss which will appear in the income statement. The new vehicle needs to record based on the fair value, not the net amount.

Fixed Asset Trade In Journal Entry

The suppliers allow the customer to trade in the old vehicles to encourage the customer to purchase a new one. The old vehicle will be trade-in and reduce the cost of the new one. Moreover, it also helps to sell to the existing customers who are already loyal to the previous product. Assuming the transaction has commercial substance, first we need to calculate the loss on disposal of the old motor vehicle. Since it was exchanged for fair value of 5,000 and had a net book value of 6,000 (17,000 – 11,000), the loss on disposal must have been 1,000.

  1. There is two business transaction that happens during the trade-in.
  2. In the final part of the question the business sells the asset for 4,500.
  3. You have significant gain on the sale since the vehicle was fully depreciated.
  4. Furthermore once the sale of the fixed assets has been completed, the business must account for the proceeds from the sale in its financial statements.

The purpose of fixed assets is to provide a stable foundation for a company’s ongoing business activities. Gain on sales of assets is the fixed assets’ proceed that company receives more than its book value. The business receives cash of 2,000 for the asset, however it still makes a loss on disposal of 1,000 which is an expense in the income statement. To deal with the asset disposal we first need to calculate its net book value (NBV) in the accounting records.

Double Entry Bookkeeping

The cost and accumulated depreciation must be removed as the fixed asset is no longer under company control. The gain on sale is the amount of proceeds that the company receives more than the book value. The disposal of long term assets should be carried out in a careful and controlled manner to ensure that the business realizes the best possible return on its investment. Furthermore once the sale of the fixed assets has been completed, the business must account for the proceeds from the sale in its financial statements. Generally this involves reducing the value of the fixed asset on the balance sheet and recognizing any gain or loss on the income statement.

What is the Sales Journal Entry?

If the company is able to sell the fixed asset for more than the book value, it will generate a gain on the sale. When a business disposes of fixed assets it must remove the original cost and the accumulated depreciation to the date of disposal from the accounting records. A disposal can occur when the asset is scrapped and written off, sold for a profit to give a gain on disposal, or sold for a loss to give a loss on disposal. The entry will record the cash or receivable that will get from selling the assets.

A fully depreciated car is one where the car’s historical cost has already been allocated to expense (except for the estimated salvage value, if any). He is the sole author of all the materials on If ABC Ltd. sells the equipment for $7,000, it will make a profit of $625 (7,000 – 6,375). We sold the vehicle for $50,000 the dealer will pay the loan payable and cut a check for the difference of $18,636.75.

In the final part of the question the business sells the asset for 4,500. Since the asset had a net book value of 3,000 the profit on disposal is calculated as follows. In the second part of the question the business sells the asset for 2,000.