However, such approaches are limiting; they characterize individuals and communities primarily through their deficits and symptoms (van Zyl et al., 2020a; Richter et al., 2021). To combat these limitations, PPIs are designed around the identification and utilization of personal strengths as a means to facilitate personal growth, community functioning and organizational thriving (van Zyl and Rothmann, 2021; van Zyl and Salanova, 2022). Based on a consensus exercise informed by reviews and qualitative interviews, we present key principles and actions for consideration when developing interventions to improve health. In the next article, Klibert et al. explored an under-researched set of conditions by which PPIs could bolster positive emotional functioning.

what are interventions

What are the 4 types of organizational development (OD) interventions?

In other words, interventions are the things that nurses do to care for their patients. For example, fixing a complex problem like low employee satisfaction may include a combination of human process, human resource management and other change strategies. As with any change process, the solutions used should respond to the specifics of the challenge and situation you face.

Empathy PPIs

The technique can be used across types of therapy and is also used in coaching. We all want to believe in miracles, and they are incredibly subjective, yet powerful ways for clients to internalize what it would be like if their miracle occurred. We thank the experts who provided input at the workshop, those who responded to the consultation, and those who provided advice and review throughout the process.

A Look at Common Therapy Theories

The interventions should also be carefully planned into their timetables so that they are balanced and manageable, for example, staff may find a full day of back to back interventions quite overwhelming so if it is possible, try to space them out. It might be that a child is displaying concerning behaviour, and is falling behind academically, so each intervention needs to address each individual’s Sober House specific areas of need. If you work in a school, you’re likely to hear the term used innumerable times a day. Now an intrinsic part of school life, interventions in education allow teachers and teaching assistants to address any gaps in a child’s progress or attainment. Once a need has been identified, effective interventions can then be used to overcome any barriers in the child’s learning.

Examples of Classroom Intervention Strategies

  • Research into EBP suggests evidence-based psychotherapy is cost effective for treating various psychiatric conditions.
  • Character Strengths and Virtues (CSV) was a compact handbook of the critical aspects of positive psychology, the active interventions, and bits of evidence promoting happiness as a scientifically attainable state of mind.
  • Evolving from Pavlov’s, B.F. Skinner’s (Skinner, 1967), and John B. Watson’s (1913) theories on conditioning, behavior therapy has found its place in the top 5 commonly used therapy approaches.
  • Creating personalized treatment plans involves setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that align with the individual’s aspirations and barriers to recovery.
  • An intervention is a carefully planned process that family and friends can do, working with a doctor or another health care professional, such as a licensed alcohol and drug counselor.
  • Interdependent nursing interventions are those that require the coordinated efforts of a nurse and at least one other member of the healthcare team.
  • Line managers are often the frontline in actioning change or hearing misgivings from employees.

Developing an Intervention

what are interventions

Guidance on how to develop complex interventions to improve health and healthcare